2019.6 - 2021.6
Computational genetics research focused on identifying causal variants at loci by fine mapping across multiple studies (MsCAVIAR) and tested on Type 2 Diabetes GWAS dataset.
2019.8 - 2019.10
A research-intensive exchange program in Marine Biology and Terrestrial Ecology at The University of Queensland, where we were trained extensively on field research techniques followed by two group research projects that we planned and conducted by ourselves.
2018.6 - 2020.4
Assisted marine geobiochemistry research on deciphering the cryptic methane cycle in salt marsh sediment. Proposed my independent project: Determination of Solid Ferric Oxide by Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC).
9 / 20 / 2021
Identifying Causal Variants by Fine Mapping Across Multiple Studies manuscript was accepted by RECOMB 2020 (Padova, Italy), the 24th conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology. It is currently published on PLoS Genetics.
6 / 26 / 2023
I received the 2023 John W. Phillips Legacy Award. The award provides funds to graduate students and continues Dr. Phillips’ support of mentorship of individuals in the field. It recognizes outstanding graduate students in all disciplines included in the MIMG department.
5 / 25 / 2023
Four guiding principles for effective trainee-led STEM community engagement through high school outreach commentary was published on PLoS Computational Biology. It delineates QBIO-EDGE's efforts to engage under-represented students in Computational Biology.